Raising Strong Self-Confident Children

By | on Feb 4, 2013 | 0 Comment

By Rebecca Fortner.

Encouraging children is so important in building self-esteem. Photo Credit: usaonrace.com

Encouraging children is so important in building self-esteem.
Photo Credit: usaonrace.com

As the world evolves, determined parents create an atmosphere where providing their children with the best of everything is equivalent to sending them off to school with the coolest backpacks, greatest up to date electronics, anything to help them in their educational ventures. However, parents often neglect one of the most important aspects in their child’s backpack full of expensive goodies, encouragement.

Inspiration is a real-world strategy that helps develop children into adults capable of overcoming adversity and reaching beyond perceived limitations. Encouragement provides children with positive self-esteem, the strength to persevere, and reach their greatest potential, which in turn builds a solid intellectual thought process and positive decision-making ability.

A 2011 study published in the International Journal of Academic Research reveals that in the academic environment, educators that implemented positive encouragement within their classroom created a much less stressful atmosphere. Students, encouraged by their teachers conveyed positive attitudes, better self-esteem, and learning.

By implementing the same positive environment at home, parents help their children realize that each is an amazing individual who is equipped with the ability and drive to do anything. Unfortunately, most adults live in a fast-paced world riddled with constant interruptions, agendas full of important commitments, and long lists of imminent needs, leaving very little time for motivational speeches. However, this motivation is the first stepping-stone to accomplishment, and it is up to the parents to provide the inspiration and aspiration to create this atmosphere for their child. Starting early is the best-case scenario, but starting is the bottom line, no matter the age.

Setting aside time every day for positive interaction such as having conversations that go beyond typical phrases like, “Did you do your homework?” or “Get ready for bed.” Encourage your child to share what they learned in a specific class, praise them for their personal achievements, or be supportive and understanding if they are struggling. Rather than judgment, use encouragement to reinforce their willingness to try again.

A positive attitude and atmosphere creates a better quality of life at home and at school, and remember, regardless of age, it’s never too late to start because all people thrive on recognition. Encouragement is the first step in creating a self-confident and motivated adult who wants to perform to their highest ability.

Article reprinted with permission of USAonRace.com

Featured Photo Credit: mzteachuh.blogspot.com


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