2013-2014 Discount Rate Schedule*
Schools, Organizations, and Group Subscriptions to the Web Pavilion
Below are the discount percentage rates off the annual subscription for schools and organizations based upon the number of students and associates receiving the subscription. The scale below shows the percent of discount received off the regular individual subscription rates. The Introductory individual annual rate is $24.00. The rate applies at date of purchase and covers twelve consecutive months.
Number of Subscribers Annual Percent Discount Cost Per Subcriber
100—500 40% $14.40
501—1000 50% $12.00
1001—1500 60% $ 9.60
1501—2000 70% $ 7.20
Subscription Benefits
Each subscriber will be able to:
- Access all current and archived articles (Articles are upgraded weekly in each department.)
- Receive weekly newsletter regarding new postings and available resources
- Opt-in for YouthOnRace Alerts when new resources and tools are available
- Download or print any articles and resources in PDF format
- Participate in online dialogues and comment on articles and Blog Posts,
- Receive utilization reports (See next paragraph)
For schools and organizations that choose to participate in the online dialogues, customized surveys, etc., the Youth Institute will create and activate unique access codes for your school, class, or organization to provide quarterly (monthly upon request) utilization reports for each school/organizational/group subscription.
*These rates apply when annual subscription is paid in advance. Additional school and organizational discounts are negotiable based upon the number of students and teachers.
For more information please contact
Janice S. Ellis
Founder and Chief Executive
(816) 931-2900