Color and Culture

England’s Struggle With Race & Ethnicity

For some, Britain is a glowing example of multiculturalism that continues to embrace cultures and races from…

Getting To The Heart Of The Matter … Risks Strike Every Race & Ethnicity

It doesn’t matter where you live in the United States, what your race or ethnicity is, how…

Does White Power Music Equal Hatred?

Wade Michael Page, 40, entered a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on August 5, 2012 and killed five…

Asian Immigration Wave In U.S. Overcoming Hispanic Numbers

Surprise, surprise! With all the chat about Hispanic immigration to the U.S. it is reasonable to expect…

Even Sports Do Not Escape The Scourge Of Racism

Whether an athlete or an admirer, sports are a staple of American life. Strength, speed, agility, balance,…

Regulation Does Not Equal Safety – Dispelling The Myths Of Gun Violence

In the wake of the January shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, gun control advocates began loudly calling…

World-Wide Celebrations: Honor Asian Cultural Festivals

Festivals have a rich tradition throughout Asian cultures, whether the festival originated out of a shared agrarian…