We, at the Youth Institute on Race and Ethnicity, will be working to build a comprehensive listing of resources and tools for parents and teacher. Check often to see the latest additions.
Anti-Defamation League: www.adl.org
Provides curriculum and recommendations on combating hate, civil rights and educational resources. Below are some examples from their website.
Provides anti-bias education and diversity training programs and resources.
Provides Catholic school teachers with the training and resources necessary to teach their students about antisemitism and the Holocaust.
Helping schools prevent and intervene against harassment and bullying through electronic media.
Free online K-12 classroom lessons on diversity, civil rights and other multicultural themes.
This online museum serves as a teaching companion to the Becoming American: The Chinese Experience documentary and study guide. The module contains student conversations and art work exchanges from 13 Facing History classrooms across the United States. Students explore themes of identity, membership, and democracy.
Produces many curriculum and films, offers professional develop opportunities including workshops and on-line classes for educators. Website also contains excellent programs and projects for students themselves.
Decision-Making in Times of Injustice
This curriculum is about more than the Holocaust. It's about the reading and the writing and the arithmetic of genocide, but it's also about such R's as rethinking, reflecting, and reasoning. It's about prejudice, discrimination and scapegoating; but it's also about human dignity, morality, law, and citizenship. It's about avoiding and forgetting, but it's also about civic courage and justice. In an age of "back to basics" this curriculum declares that there is one thing more basic, more sacred, than any of the three R's; namely, the sanctity of human life.
This musical anthology for the grades 2-5 teaches activism through music, acknowledging our nation's proud tradition of singing for social change.
Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks
Recommended for middle and upper grades, this Academy Award-nominated documentary film and accompanying resources bring the Montgomery Bus Boycott alive for today's students.
Rhinos and Raspberries, Tolerance Tales for the Early Grades
This full-color storybook is designed to build character and community and supports key literacy strategies for students in grades preK-6. Includes a hardback book for teachers and classroom sets of six for student use.
A new documentary film about the Delano strike and grape boycott led by César Chávez and Dolores Huerta. Includes a 39-minute DVD and a teacher's guide with standards-based lesson plans for grades 7-12.
This online module explores many of the questions raised in Facing History resource book: Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement.
RaceReport.com publishes, on a daily basis, the most current race relations news and events across the United States and around the world.
The Respect for All Project (RFAP) seeks to create safe, hate-free schools and communities by giving youth and the adults who guide their development the tools they need to talk openly about diversity in all of its forms. The Project offers a comprehensive set of resources for educators and youth-service providers, including award-winning documentary films, high-quality curriculum guides and comprehensive professional development workshops. The Respect for All Project is a program of Women’s Educational Media, a nonprofit film production company founded in 1978 that creates and distributes documentary films on issues of social and economic justice.
Is an online educational magazine that covers important topics about race and ethnicity in the areas of education, business, health, politics, and cultural uniqueness. USAonRace.com also hosts an online dialogue, the National Collegiate Dialogue on Race Relations, with participating professors and students from some of the nation’s major colleges and universities. USAonRace.com has additional features and resources to help us understand our differences, bridge our divisions, and celebrate our commonalities.
Smart-Girl www.smart-girl.org
Program for girls, includes full curriculum and training. A curriculum sampler is also available on their website, published by the American School Counselors Association.
Safe Schools Coalition www.safeschoolscoalition.org
Website provides free lesson plans curriculum and resources of every grade level. Provides subject specific lessons plans as well. Provides links to many resources and organizations that provide free curriculum.
United for a fair economy: http://www.faireconomy.org/
United for a Fair Economy is a national, independent, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. UFE raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart. The website provides lesson plans to teach about social class, wealth inequality and the racial wealth gap.
Paul Kivel www.paulkivel.com: website of educator and activist Paul Kivel, with many activities and resources to advance the knowledge and conversation about race, equality and social justice.
EdChange www.edchange.org: website started by educator and activist Paul Gorski, with many activities and curricular sessions, with links to the Multicultural Pavilion.